

Satire is a literary term used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, often with the intent of correcting, or changing, the subject of the satiric attack.

The Impotence of Proofreading

In the article "The impotence of proofreading" by Taylor Mali, Mali wrote an article and used spell check because his not very good at spelling, but the problem is if you can't spell and pronounce out words spell check is no help. Everything in his article was spelled correctly but the words didn't belong in the sentence they were misused. That is the satire of the article.

The Onion

Elephant In this article "Children Of All Ages Delighted By Enslavement Of Topsy The Elephant" Many children enjoy watching the circus shows, but their favorite part is when Topsy comes out. "Branden Helger, 9, said Topsy was his favorite performer at Ringling Bros, because the elephant knew how to do neat tricks like pretending to limp" But little did they know that the elephant wasn't as happy as they thought. "Topsy stood up on his hind legs, an unnatural and excruciatingly painful movement that stresses and permanently damages the 8,000-pound elephant's joints." they cheered loudly for Topsy not knowing that his injuries were covered in dirt and all the movements and tricks the injured elephant was obligated to do was killing him slowly.""Boy, that Topsy's got it made," Wingren said to his children, referring to the mistreated, severely neglected creature, who is exposed to numerous diseases and receives no medical attention except when dirt is rubbed into his wounds to hide them from the public." "Always in the spotlight and everybody pampering you. That lucky elephant." The satire in this article is that everyone goes to the circus cheer for this elephant thinking he has a great life and is being treated like a king but in reality his treated awful, with no love or care.

Advice to Youth

In this article by Mark Twain, he has listed a couple of instructions for young youths. He advices them to respect their parents and elders etc. But the satiric part is at the same time he tells them "This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don’t, they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgment." In other words just respect your parents when they are around and sometimes parents think they know more the young ones but in reality young kids know more, and they should just keep it to themselves, laugh about their "theory". Another example of satire is when he advices the young youth to lie,and also teachers them how not to get caught lying because their parents would lose trust in them. "Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before." Mark is very satiric in this article.

NewsHoggers; Prohibition and hollow states

Drugs This article is about the prohibition movement and how they want to stop "corrupted" big drug dealers gaining so much money from the sell of drugs. So they decided they want to legalize it, so they can sell it and big drug dealers make half the money they are currently making. But the satire is by the government legalizing and selling drugs doesn't that make them corrupted and bad as well? Legalizing drugs to "better the economy and worsen big dealers economy" is not very much help. They are just as equal and wrong for helping the sell.


Satire cartoon The satire in this cartoon is, President Obama always try to spread out hope since he won presidency. But no one really notice a difference, so is like people lost hope. That's why the line of the "H" fell to spell Nope,like no hope.


Satire is sarcasm: witty language used to convey insults or scorn.
© Cristina Martinez 2010